Mucin 1 / EMA / Episialin / CD227(HMPV) , CF640R conjugate , 0.1mg / mL
This MAb recognizes full-length MUC1 in a glycosylation-independent manner and can bind to the fully glycosylated protein. The dominant epitope of this MAb is APDTR in the extracellular VNTR region. It reacts with the core peptide of the MUC1 protein , which is a member of a family of mucin glycoproteins that are characterized by high carbohydrate content , O-linked oligosaccharides , high molecular weight (>200 kDa) and an amino acid composition rich in serine , threonine , proline and glycine. The core protein contains a domain of 20 amino-acid tandem repeats that functions as multiple epitopes for the MAb. Incomplete glycosylation of some tumor-associated mucins may lead to variable unmasking of the multiple peptide epitopes leading to the observed differences in staining intensity between normal and malignant tissues. This MAb reacts with both normal and malignant epithelia of various tissues including breast and colon._x000D_
Primary antibodies are available purified , or with a selection of fluorescent CF® Dyes and other labels. CF® Dyes offer exceptional brightness and photostability. Note: Conjugates of blue fluorescent dyes like CF®405S and CF®405M are not recommended for detecting low abundance targets , because blue dyes have lower fluorescence and can give higher non-specific background than other dye colors._x000D_